Making the invisible visible – the 360° feedback

Feedback is now part of everyday work for many of us. The word is omnipresent and yet it is often not used to create actual added value for employees.
Feedback is first and foremost a gift.
Feedback as a gift
It helps make the invisible visible to us and then use it for ourselves. We can work on ourselves and develop further, but we also receive positive recognition of our own performance and behavior. It serves, so to speak, as a motivator for further action.
The Johari window shows our self-awareness and how feedback can help us uncover “blind spots” about ourselves. Thus, it deepens the knowledge about ourselves and ultimately leads to better work results, provided that the feedback is actively accepted and implemented.

Why is feedback important?
1. Feedback is an important means of appreciation and offers individuals and teams great learning potential
- Teammates and managers can help reflect misleading behaviors.
In many cases, your line manager is the most important source of learning.
2. Feedback is an important means of support and helps to avoid misunderstandings
- Regular feedback strengthens trust in teams and between team members and their leaders.
- Supportive and encouraging feedback is the most important source of job satisfaction.
3. A strong feedback culture leads to higher engagement among team members
- Social recognition increases our well-being and is the dopamine for our engagement.
- We all deserve recognition for what we do, and everyone deserves to know how to grow.
360° feedback enables employees to receive fully comprehensive feedback. The term 360° comes from the fact that feedback is given from all sides. The participants thus receive feedback from colleagues, superiors and employees. Business partners and customers can also take part in the feedback. So every perspective is represented. The specific questionnaire can be designed individually and also divided into areas of competence. There are now various tools that can be used to carry out 360° feedback.
To ensure that the feedback ultimately also offers potential for further development, it is extremely important that the feedback is carried out and followed up precisely.
These points should be observed for a successful feedback
- Honest feedback. Feedback includes positive AND negative aspects.
- Inclusion of personal development, cooperation with colleagues as well as competencies and skills. However, no inclusion of personality traits.
- Incorporation of company values and principles.
- It is particularly important that the feedback recipients are not left alone with the evaluation of the assessments. Feedback is there so that goals and development opportunities can be worked out. You should also work with the feedback.
- Regularity (& comparability). Often only the last two weeks are assessed.
- A self-assessment contributes to the fact that the self-perception and the perception of others can be compared.
- Time! All participants should take the feedback seriously and take their time for it.
- Communication is key here.
- Basically, feedback should be FAIR, CLEAR and CONSISTENT.
- Correct formulation of the feedback: Objective description of the observed behavior, use of first person form/messages, use of positive and encouraging wording.
- Using concrete examples to describe the feedback (e.g. observations, facts and specific situations).
Contact us for a non-binding conversation so that we can find out together how we can best support you with your feedback project!
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