Occupational healthcare – Standard or USP?

In recent years, an increasing number of people have been struggling with psychological problems: changes in their personal everyday lives, an increase in digital media consumption, as well as an increase in home office and remote work without personal interactions.
The employer acts on the basis of the duty of care and in its own interest to promote a long-term high-performing workforce. As a result, healthcare services related to mental health are now on the agenda of many companies – more than ever before, the demand has increased, both from employees and applicants.
The standard: What do employers offer?
54 out of 122 companies provide mental health services. Larger companies (63 – 82.4%) offer more services than start-ups (10.5 – 43.8%). The average annual budget is 404 euros per employee.
Sport-related benefits are gaining more and more attention among younger generations. Among remote companies (37.5%), the trend of engaging in sports activities during working hours is popular. About 11.2% of companies have their own gym. 60% of companies with 100+ employees offer sports facilities. Due to the different locations, however, remote companies have more difficult conditions when distributing the budget and often use national providers such as Qualitrain or Urban Sports.
Sponsoring has become one of the most common activities with 2,538 EUR per year. For mature companies, the proportion is 57.1% and for larger companies 35.3%. These activities may include running, volleyball, soccer, and biking.
Some other activities such as meditation, yoga, massage, etc. remain exceptionally rare.
Your USP: And what do you offer?
Are you considering to offer occupaltional healthcare and ask yourself how you can set it up even with a tight budget, how to structure it, implement it and, above all, adapt it to the target group? What topics can you offer? We are happy to support you. Contact us without obligation for an initial information meeting.
Check out our occupational healthcare offerings here:
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