Should we work remotely?

Aug 18, 2023

Let’s look at Germany’s highly competitive job market. It has a wide range of benefits and keeps up with modern trends such as remote work. According to the survey “The German Benefits Report 2023” almost 30% of companies offer remote working possibilities, stating certain jobs are not eligible for remote work, such as customer facing jobs or in the field of production, where the people need to be on site.


Although smaller companies appear to provide the most flexibility.

Remote, Hybrid, Office

The last few years have been a good opportunity to test and see what their approach is.


  • Among the participants in the survey, the most prevalent method (45%) is the flexible model, where employees have the autonomy to arrange their office days on their own. 
  • 28% predetermines mixed schedules. 
  • Only 10% of companies allow employees a fully remote job.
Companies support remote work with other features as well: 

  • 62% of companies ensure basic equipment such as desks, chairs, IT-Hardware etc. 
  • Almost 7% covers energy costs and another 7% – internet. 
  • 48% of companies do not provide any of the mentioned benefits.

What is right for us?

Are you facing the challenge of reconciling the demands of management, employees and talents?

Talk to us – we look forward to guiding you through the jungle of modern forms of working and supporting you in the implementation!




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